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Meet Erin Vogel, the race car driver uplifting women in motorsports

I started racing sports cars (Porsche, Audi, BMW, Mercedes, etc.) as an adult, navigating the slippery slope of High Performance Driver Education from about ages 25 to 30. I realized in my 30s that breaking into professional racing would be a way to make a meaningful impact in a world that still minimizes women’s abilities. As I turn 40, racing has become my pathway to uplifting other women, and it’s provided much of the knowledge to do so in a real way — a mission I’ve been on since I was 4 years old! 

I also help my brother run our family’s real estate business, and as of recently I also act as President for Shift Up Now. At Shift Up Now, we are striving to create partnerships and sponsorships to help fund our athletes’ careers in professional motorsports, in addition to raising funds through our non-profit so that we can write grants to female race car drivers at all levels of the sport. I live in sunny (or so it used to be!) Southern California with my partner, Aaron, and our two dogs.

Erin Vogel in racecar
Erin Vogel at a GT World Challenge race in 2022, helped by mechanic Carly Panneton.

I’m in the midst of building a race car team

In the fall of 2023, I founded my own racing team alongside my partner, Aaron, so that we can have more control over some of the seats we fund for women, and we also hope to use the program to begin doing more meaningful mentorship of up-and-coming racers. I envision us eventually taking our team to the top sportscar series in the country, backed by great sponsors and offering fully funded rides to female drivers on some of the biggest stages in the world. 

I am learning how to hone my PQ (positive intelligence) so that I can approach new stages of life, work, and relationships with grace and aplomb. 

I’m finding fulfillment in my professional life and my personal life, and learning to keep the balance I so carefully engineered while blazing through my 30s on my own (though surrounded by a very strong tribe!).

Erin Vogel at race
Erin Vogel with driver Sarah Montgomery at AE Victory Racing’s team debut race in 2023.

The best thing about my current age: early 40s

As I begin my 40s, I definitely have a better sense of my own self-worth, and a better sense of where to spend my energy in life. I have to say, I also enjoy that fewer and fewer people think twice before taking me seriously — and that’s something I’m working hard to improve for future generations. Women shouldn’t have to wait until we’re middle-aged to be treated with respect and deference.

My Grown-Ass Lady heroes

My business partner in Shift Up Now, Pippa Mann, is absolutely one of my GAL heroes — that woman can make things happen, and she always finds creative ways to make things work out. All of my Shift Up Now sisters inspire me regularly, and of course my mom is a total BAMF who first showed me that women can do anything. Her favorite motor-driven vehicle? Her backhoe.

Erin Vogel with women racers at 2022 Eastern Championship Final
Erin Vogel and four Shift Up Now Athletes at Sebring Raceway in 2022. The five women earned wins across three different classes, with two coed cars and one car piloted exclusively by three women.

What’s next for me

I feel like I’m currently living my next! But someday I would love to write a book (or books!), so look out for my name on bookshelves near you — in the next decade or so. 😉

The best thing I’ve done for myself in midlife so far

I’m only just beginning this journey, but not letting my inner saboteurs stop me from stepping up to the plate last summer when presented with the opportunity to run my own team feels pretty incredible. I keep looking up and going, is this real? Sometimes I have to shake my head to clear the brain fog, but mostly I pat myself on the back — and hope that it inspires others. And I remain eternally grateful for Aaron, because without him I’d only be half of what it takes to make this thing run (literally!).

Follow me here

Check out instagram for the best and most current content: @erin.vogel.racing and @ae.victory_racing

My racing website is sadly out of date, but still worth a look: www.erinvogelracing.com

You can check out what we’re doing with Shift Up Now at: www.shiftupnow.com and www.shiftupnow.org, and even join our mission by becoming a member!

LinkedIn has a good balance of all my professional pursuits, and is a great place to connect with me: https://www.linkedin.com/in/erin-vogel-racing/

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The Midst is a platform empowering women in their 40s and 50s to live on their terms. We’re transforming the conversation about these decades in women’s lives because over the hill is so over and done with. We’re in the prime of our lives. We’re a collective of voices covering women’s health, publishing stories and education to empower women to reimagine this period as a time of growth, exploration, and possibility.