Meet Georgie Kovacs, NYC Marathon runner and founder of Fempower Health
I’m the founder of Fempower Health, a podcast and international community of women, health experts, and FemTech leaders with one mission: to empower women to be their biggest advocate. We discuss sexual wellness, hormones, fertility, mental health, menopause, and more with top specialists changing the world for women.
I started Fempower Health given my own experience navigating the healthcare system. Even with a healthcare background, I was stunned at the unique challenges women face given the limited research in women’s health.
I’m also a single mom to an 8-year-old boy. We have a great time together, and I’ve successfully convinced him that long hikes, sunrise hikes, camping, etc are adventures. Now, when I bring up a crazy idea, I just call it an adventure, and he is all in!
2024 is a big year: I turn 50! It is a bit of an emotional time because my mom was 53 when she died and my paternal grandmother was 50 when she escaped Hungary with her 14 kids. She lived to be 100 years old. I think a lot about what it must have been like to be them at 50. It certainly reminds me that age is just a number and anything is possible. It also put things into perspective on days that I find are hard to get through.

I’m in the midst of
- Recording episodes for the Fempower Health Podcast’s Season 5
Women’s health has evolved so much over the past several years. I use the platform to raise awareness of the facts because so much gets sensationalized by the press and social media. Additionally, guidelines and technology are changing quickly but with all that is on doctors’ plates, it is really important we all take responsibility for our health and not put it all on doctors in those short appointments. Two-way accountability is critical. - Training for the NYC Marathon to celebrate my 50th birthday
My first race is the Real Simple Half Marathon on April 28. Nothing like starting off with an intense race! The last time I ran the NYC Marathon was in 2005! I’m pleasantly surprised with how my body is handling the training so far. - Planning reunions with the people who mean most to me
I enjoy intimate discussions with people and realized a big birthday celebration is just not for me. I want to simply spend time with these special humans!
The best thing about my current age
It’s as if the first 50 years are “trying on life.” We test, fail, test, succeed and create a community, family, career based on these learnings.
I have a feeling most of us say something similar. It’s as if the first 50 years are “trying on life.” We test, fail, test, succeed, and create a community, family, and career based on these learnings. I find that I am less tolerant of things that don’t make me feel good, and I have no interest in impressing anyone. I also feel much more confident about my power of choice — what do I keep, what do I let go of, and what do I add to my life. I am also fully present with my son and don’t feel as though I am missing out because I’ve lived the life of travel, late nights, long work hours.
The best thing I’ve done for myself in midlife
A 60-mile solo hike in Sedona, leaving New York City for a more community-oriented hometown, and doing the Artist’s Way with a small group of friends. These have helped cut the noise of life and allowed me to better understand who I am and what my needs are. I’m here to live my best life!
My Grown-Ass Lady heroes
My mother and both my grandmothers. While some of the relationships were complicated, each of them were bad asses in their own right.
I also admire women who achieve success without the luxuries that financial independence affords and who handle incredibly challenging situations with grace: Ruth Baider Ginsburg, Hillary Clinton, Michelle Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Maya Angelou.

What’s next?
Women’s health is my passion. Up to now, Fempower Health has been known as a women’s health podcast, and is something I have done on this side, on top of being a single mom and having a full-time job. I’m now working on ways to leverage the unique skill sets I bring to the table — my healthcare background and strong relationships with top women’s health experts, biopharma, femtech, and patient advocates — along with a revenue model.
Follow me here
The Fempower Health website provides women’s health resources by life stage and topic, so that is a great place to start. It includes podcast episodes, how to find specialists for your healthcare needs, blogs, articles, books, etc.
I suggest people sign up for the weekly newsletter, where I summarize news and latest episodes. I also use it to get feedback and revise what I offer. It is the most consistent way to be in touch as social media algorithms will impact what you see in your feed. You can find Fempower Health on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook.
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