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Photo of Mackenzie Wilson

Meet MacKenzie Wilson, a P.M. who leaned into the process of changing careers

I am a former Midwesterner who landed in NYC in 2007 for work and never looked back. I eventually settled in the Connecticut burbs for family life, but NYC will always have my heart, and I hope I can always be a stone’s throw away from the city that never sleeps.

I am a mom to a curious and adventurous son whose love for science, Transformers, dinosaurs, nature, hockey, and the ocean inspires me daily. Our family’s senior lab-to-leash beagle, Winston, keeps me centered.

A lifelong music nerd (IDLES, Nick Cave, U2, David Bowie forever!) who also obsesses over books. A novice baker, a newbie 5K runner, and an amateur kayaker and biker. 

In a past life, I was a music writer/editor (Rollingstone.com, SPIN.com, Venus, Bust, All Music Guide) and spent over a decade in digital media. In my late 30s, I pivoted to Project Management and created my consulting company, Sultsons & Company, LLC. I’ve spent the last eight years honing my craft, working with the best of the best at the NYC-based ChalkDust Consulting, a virtual strategic online consulting practice with a client list of Fortune 500 companies in beauty and fashion, luxury consumer products, consumer electronics, media companies, not-for-profits, and start-ups (LinkedIn).

I am in the midst of

Navigating sleep apnea. I was diagnosed in November 2023 after my husband graciously spent a few years poking me in the shoulder to turn over in hopes of quieting my gnarly snoring. I experienced some weight gain during the pandemic, but I am an active person with a normal weight for my height.

My dad, also someone at normal weight for his height, was diagnosed in his 40s after decades of incessant snoring and breathing issues. But I had no idea women, too, could experience this disorder. My doctor informed me that she is seeing this more often as women enter perimenopause and menopause due to the decrease of estrogen in the throat. 

So, I did the overnight sleep lab test and naively assumed my snoring would be a sinus issue and that I would be cleared of sleep apnea. But alas, at 46, I was found to stop breathing 16 times an hour, and my snoring was consistent. Since my non-glamourous yet glorious CPAP machine came into my life, I have slept more soundly than ever, haven’t stopped breathing once, and no longer need my second coffee in the afternoon! 

The best thing about my current age (46)

I am comfortable knowing that it is perfectly acceptable not always to have a plan or agenda. I’m also embracing the peace that comes with not caring what others think of me or my decisions.

The best thing I’ve done for myself in midlife

Trust the process of changing careers and allowing my skills to translate and grow in a new role or project.

My Grown-Ass Lady heroes

Patti Smith, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Malala Yousafzai, Joan Didion, Nina Simone, Karen Finley, Christine Blasey Ford, my dear friend and scientist Dr. Laurie Svoboda, and teachers who work especially hard each day to provide a solid and engaging education for kids across this country, despite the lack of support. A massive shout-out to all the Type 1 Diabetes caregivers who ensure that all is safe and sound when managing this auto-immune condition for their babies or loved ones. I see you!

What’s next

Getting out of my own way so I can embrace my creativity for a side hustle.

Follow me:

Instagram is my main jam. Find me at @mackenzie77

We’re in the midst of building the Founding MidstHer program into a membership model — one step at a time. To help build The Midst community and be featured in Meet a MidstHer, sign up to become a Founding MidstHer here on The Midst Substack. We’ll email you with more details. If you have questions, please email Tiffany, The Midst’s Head of Community: tiffany@the-midst.com.

The Midst is a platform empowering women in their 40s and 50s to live on their terms. We’re transforming the conversation about these decades in women’s lives because over the hill is so over and done with. We’re in the prime of our lives. We’re a collective of voices covering women’s health, publishing stories and education to empower women to reimagine this period as a time of growth, exploration, and possibility.