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How to pack stylishly for your vacation: 10 must-know tips to stay chic and comfortable

It’s the time of year when people plan escapes to warmer climates, the ski slopes, and other dream destinations. Whether you’re traveling to Paris or Mexico, packing can be stressful when you’re unsure about the weather or the local style norms and trends. You want to look good, but you also want to be practical and not overpack.

Packing is a very personal and unique experience, so I’m not going to give advice about specific items to bring. Instead, these are some guidelines I’ve developed as a result of failures and successes over the last several decades as a frequent traveler. They apply whether you’re headed for fun in the sun, a cruise, or urban adventures.

1. Plan an outfit for the plane

When you’re going to be stuck in a tiny space for hours, you want to make sure you’re not wearing anything tight or constricting, like skinny jeans. Items should be able to do double duty on your vacation as well. I like to wear a pair of wide-legged black pants with an elastic waist, a cotton top, and some sort of light sweater or hoodie that can easily be stowed in a bag. Leggings are a great option — if you don’t like wearing them as pants, try layering them under a dress or a skirt. Wear shoes that are easy to slip on and off — not just for security, but in case you want to take them off on a long flight.

2. Don’t attempt to be taken for one of the locals

Especially when American women head to European cities known for their inhabitants’ sense of style (cough, Paris), it can be tempting to want to try to pass for a native. While I recommend having a general sense of what’s appropriate as well as any cultural no-nos (for example, the need to cover up a bit more in many Muslim countries) and potentially watching street-style videos from your destination to get a sense of what people are wearing, you’ll almost inevitably miss the mark. Don’t worry about it! If you’re concerned about being pegged as an American, dress up a notch more than you usually do and avoid things like wearing flip-flops and sweatpants.

3. Bring clothes you like to wear in your everyday life

Vacation is not a time to try out a whole new look. You’ll likely look and feel awkward and uncomfortable. I’m also not a fan of specialized travel gear like pants that unzip into shorts, unless you’re going on a hiking or camping vacation where space is really at a premium. Stick with the pieces and ensembles you know and feel comfortable in, adjusting them as necessary. It’ll be much easier and less stressful to pack and get dressed. Plus, instead of buying new clothes for the trip, you can spend that money on exciting finds at your destination instead.

Every piece of clothing needs to earn its spot in your luggage.

4. Don’t bring clothes you haven’t tried out in the real world

If you must buy a few new things, do a test drive. Break in those new shoes and make sure they don’t pinch, check if new pants are uncomfortably tight when you sit down, and so on.

5. Go for simple and basic

It’s easier to create outfits and pack less when everything goes together, so unless you have a flair for mixing patterns and colors, streamlined options may be best. Neutrals are your friend. If you’re worried about looking boring, bring one brightly colored or patterned item and focus on accessories like scarves and jewelry for some extra oomph.

6. Check if you can do laundry where you’re staying

Access to a washing machine or cleaning service means you can pack less! You can also hand-wash many things in a sink in a pinch. Which brings me to my next piece of advice  . . .

7. Don’t pack hard-to-clean clothes

Silk and many other delicate materials don’t react well to attempts at spot-cleaning. Pack white pants at your own risk.

8. Don’t bring anything you would be devastated to lose

After losing a favorite ring on a trip to Rome years ago, I’ve learned to leave my favorite jewelry at home because I know I will be heartbroken if anything goes missing. Similarly, if there’s an item of clothing I really love, I either wear it on the plane or pack it in my carry-on in case my luggage gets lost. It’s also a good idea to bring a change of underwear and other necessities just in case you get delayed somewhere without your bags.

9. If it doesn’t go with at least two other items, don’t bring it

Every piece of clothing needs to earn its spot in your luggage. Versatility is key when packing efficiently, ensuring you maximize outfit combinations while minimizing space.

10. Comfort is key

You’re likely going to be spending much of the day running around and being away from your home base. Good shoes are essential, as are fabrics that can handle a little rain or sweatiness as you’re out and about. Remember that you’re going to be deviating from your usual routine and plan accordingly.

While learning to pack efficiently often takes some trial and error, it’s not a good use of your time and energy to be concerned about how you look. Ultimately, the point of travel is to see, experience, and learn new things — not to worry about what you’re wearing.

Heather Kenny is a Chicago-based freelance writer who writes about style and fashion for The Midst. Her articles and essays have been featured in Shondaland, HuffPost Personal, World Nomads, and the Chicago Reader. When she’s not crossing travel destinations off her bucket list, she can be found riding a bike, kayaking, and swimming around the Midwest.