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What you need to know about the Uranus Opposition: the “Midlife Crisis” Astrology Transit

Having a chaotic, life-altering midlife crisis? You’re not crazy — it’s the Uranus Opposition.

You’ve heard of the infamous Mercury Retrograde, and you may have encountered the formidable Saturn Returns in your late 20s. But have you heard of an astrological transit called the Uranus Opposition? If you’re in your 40s, you may want to pay attention. Dubbed as the “Midlife Crisis” transit, it supposedly hits our astrology charts at around 42 years of age, causing us to make major life changes and break free from what’s been holding us back. 

This means for me — as a 42-year-old — the Uranus Opposition is bustin’ in this year. Yikes! Trepidatious but curious, I sat down with Astrologer and teacher, Tara Redfield to learn more about this potentially life-altering transit and a reading of how the Uranus Opposition is affecting my chart, and my life. 

What is Uranus in Astrology? What is the Uranus Opposition?

“Uranus is the planet of change. And more specifically, sudden change. Uranus represents the urge to break free and rebel against the status quo,” explains Tara Redfield of the Los Angeles Astrology School. “It’s also the planet of reinvention, and depending on where it is in the chart, it can show how and where we are likely to make these reinventions throughout our lives.”

We all have a natal chart based on the day and time when we were born that’s like a roadmap for our being in this lifetime. “In the natal chart, [Uranus] represents where we have the potential to break free, rebel and to change to have breakthroughs.” Tara continues, “The Uranus Opposition occurs when the transiting Uranus is directly opposite our Uranus placement in our natal chart. This happens to all of us around 42, just in time for the midlife crisis. This is why around this time, people make big sudden changes. They have an urge to break free from whatever has been holding them back.”  

In general, when Uranus affects our natal chart, it can bring sudden changes and disruptions, ostensibly in an attempt to break you out of whatever rut no longer serves you. Have a soul-sucking job and an urge for something more fulfilling? Uranus may take that job away through a layoff. Or if you’re in a loveless marriage, situations may arise to encourage you to follow your heart.

Uranus Generations: So what’s your midlife crisis about?

Uranus is a planet that’s pretty far away from Earth and moves slowly from our vantage point. It takes 84 years for Uranus to return to the same placement in the sky on the day we were born. This means that Uranus spends years in the same sign, which makes it a “generational” planet. Peers in our age group share the same “Uranus sign” — the zodiac sign Uranus was in when we were born — which means we share similar qualities in how we’re unconventional and demand societal change with our peers. 

Because of this, we’re able to glean some high level inferences on what the Uranus Opposition may mean for those in each Uranus sign. Here are a few general readings from Astrologer, Tara Redfield, on a few of the recent past / current / upcoming mid-lifers:

Uranus in Libra 

If your birthday is between:

  • Sept 29, 1968 to May 20, 1969
  • June 25, 1969 to Nov 21, 1974
  • May 2, 1975 to Sept 8,1975

How Uranus in Libras are Unconventional:

“Uranus in Libra people are all about partnerships and relating to other people. For them, the change was about how they look at their relationships. In general, they’re people who have an unconventional approach to relationships. People who maybe didn’t do the typical ‘get married and have kids,’ or just lived with their partners.”

The Uranus in Libra’s Midlife Crisis:

The Uranus opposition transit happened back in 2010 through 2017 (exact dates depends on one’s individual chart.) “For them, the opposition was about their partnerships. There were people who probably got divorced with big changes in their relationships. It doesn’t have to be romantic, it could be in a business partnership or a friendship.”

Uranus in Scorpio

If your birthday is between:

  • Nov 22, 1974 to May 1, 1975
  • Sept 9, 1975 to Feb 17, 1981
  • March 21, 1981 to Nov 16, 1981

How Uranus in Scorpios are Unconventional:

“Uranus in Scorpios were born in a time when Uranus was in exaltation. This means the change-inducing energy of Uranus and the letting go vibes of Scorpio goes well together, so it’s a nice placement for Uranus to be in. They’ve experienced a lot of destruction and regrowth in their lives, either personally or on the world stage, like seeing things fall and being rebuilt again like in the pandemic. They are more unconventional in topics like death, sex, looking at these things with an open mind and not so taboo with those in Uranus in Scorprio.”

The Uranus in Scorpio’s Midlife Crisis:

2018 to 2025 – (exact dates depends on one’s individual chart.)

“[The Uranus in Scorpio’s will] experience reinvention and upheaval related to intimate relationships, sexuality and merged assets such as investments, shared money or money that comes from others. They’ll have an urge to reinvent through letting something die, figuratively, knowing that something had its purpose and to allow something new to grow in its place.”

Uranus in Sagittarius

If your birthday is between:

  • Feb 18, 1981 to March 20, 1981
  • Nov 17, 1981 to Feb 14, 1988
  • May 27, 1988 to Dec 2, 1988

How Uranus in Sagittarius are Unconventional:

“[Uranus in Sagittarius are] interested in pushing the boundaries of religion, spirituality, philosophy and higher education — they reinvent themselves through spiritual practices, learning and educating themselves even more. They’re also fascinated by foreign lands and cultures.”

The Uranus in Sagittarius’ Midlife Crisis:

The Uranus Opposition will begin in 2025 (exact dates depend on an individual’s chart.) “When [Uranus in Sagittarius] have their Uranus Opposition, it’s going to be about breaking free of their beliefs. The beliefs they had and held dear up to this point in their lives, all of a sudden they will be like, ‘no, i don’t believe that anymore,’ and explore something new. They will have an urge to explore themselves in a new form of spiritual enlightenment.

Midlife crisis or reinvention?

As a Uranus in Scorpio, I resonate with this, “reinvention through letting something die… to allow something new to grow in its place.” Perhaps to those outside of my “Uranus generation” this sounds morbid, but this death process has been central to my last few years; I’ve let a relationship, a career and a place of residence die. Along with it went my identity, methods of holding security and lifestyle that all of a sudden, no longer resonates.

When Tara looked at my personal chart in relation to the Uranus Opposition, the transit will be affecting my 2nd House representing money, personal wealth and jointly shared investments, as well as my 5th house of creativity, children and pleasure. I can already see how recent changes are already impacting these areas of my life. Instead of a stable salaried income, I make money through a variety of cobbled up sources, and for the first time in my life, I have considered joining finances with another person and doing this interdependent “family thing.” My perspective on money is also changing. Instead of slogging away making money at a 9-to-5, all I want to do is be all hippie dippy and explore my creativity and bask in the everyday joys and pleasures of life. 

So then, is this urge a midlife crisis, or a reinvention? Tara says “Perhaps for you the Uranus Opposition is about breaking free of money with a new mindset of ‘I don’t want money to control me anymore.’” So, right on. I placed a lot of my worth in my ability to make money for a long time, and now I am learning that I am worthy simply by being me. These new values changing within me can feel chaotic and extreme. But maybe I need to play in these extremes and sow my wild-midlife-oats to re-emerge as a new me. 

How to get through your midlife crisis …er… your reinvention.

There is a negative connotation to “the midlife crisis” — we fear the “Oh boy, Bonnie’s going through a midlife crisis” and the whispers in our circles as we make drastic changes to our lives. We resist that push from within, but the Uranus Opposition is going to make sure it’s heard, and it’s not going down without a fight. When we consider that the fight is meant to benefit us in the end, perhaps it makes it a bit less scary.

“You have to go with it. You have to befriend whatever is happening. If it’s a sudden change or even a subtle change, you have to just embrace it and just know and trust that it’s happening to you to put you in a better position on the other side.” Tara advises. “The longer you resist the changes the Universe wants for you, the longer the disruption will last. By getting an astrology reading, you can focus on making a plan for places you need healing and what talents you have that may help you. So that you have a life raft and instead of treading to keep your head above water.”

The midlife crisis is your friend — I love that! So, have tea with your midlife crisis. Go shopping with your midlife crisis, and on the other side, you may come out with a sparkly new outfit that is the new you.

Lastly, “Remember this transit will not last forever. It’s a year and a half of weaving intensity. And when it’s done, you’ll be a much stronger person for it.”

Tara Redfield is an astrologer and astrology teacher at the Los Angeles Astrology School. She is available for readings at https://www.anotherdaygreener.com/

Did you know that you can get a custom tarot reading from Bonnie Ho? Learn more here.

Rev. Bonnie Ho is a spiritual counselor, energy reader, and author of the Living in the Third Eye column for Jumble & Flow. After spending most of her adult life trying to prove her own worth through an analytical career, Bonnie found a spiritual path that led her back to herself and her own heart. Now, Bonnie aims to help others heal their wounds, find their joy, and embrace their intuition and true desires, in a grounded, balanced way. Bonnie is available for spiritual guidance and energy readings. Visit bonniehoinsights.com to learn more.

  • Paola

    Hi Bonnie, thank you for this wonderful article. Which reading did you get from Tara?

    June 15, 2022
  • val

    great piece–thanks for writing it!

    October 26, 2022

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