Antidepressants: A possible cure for peri/menopausal hot flashes
When hormone replacement therapy isn't an option, can antidepressants help to treat hot flashes in perimenopausal women?
10 easy meals for when your hormones are causing havoc
Simple to prep and easier to eat, reach for these meals when your hormones are causing peri/menopause symptoms.
I tried NNABI Peri Essential 5, and have more energy, better sleep, and less night sweats
I’m 48, and by my count, I’ve been in perimenopause for about six years — so far. I still get my period, though the usual 28-day cycle is shortening, so my best guess is that I’ll continue perimenopause for at
Microdosing the magic mushroom
A couple's journey through love, loss, and the language of connection. Plus, how, why, and where to microdose magic mushrooms.
When the mirror is the enemy: An inside (and raw) look at body dysmorphic disorder
What is body dysmorphic disorder (BBD) that affects how you perceive your body and features?
I made myself a science experiment for “mood-altering” NA beverages
We tried the latest round of NA beverages with feel-good ingredients like adaptogens, herbs, and botanicals. Here are our favorites.
How to build a sustainable exercise routine during perimenopause
Learn how to build a sustainable and bespoke exercise routine during menopause.
I’m 30: Why do I need to think about menopause?
From upgrading your sleep habits to becoming besties with your cycle, preparing for perimenopause can make for a smoother transition.
Can fermented foods help to balance midlife hormones?
Fermented foods can help women with symptoms of perimenopause and menopause.
Meno-rexia: The alarming trend of eating disorders during peri/menopause
A growing trend of women in their 40s and 50s actively have eating disorders.