How embracing midlife helps me build my 6-year-old daughter’s confidence
Our bodies, ourselves
Wondering what you really want? Tracey Gee to the rescue.
The author of "The Magic of Knowing What You Want" shares 4 tips to combat desire fog.
Rediscovering your career path in midlife: A guide for women ready to pivot
A seven-step guide of research-backed steps for women to successfully change their careers and do what they love.
Can dogs and cats help women live longer, healthier lives?
Adopting pets can offer significant physical, mental, and emotional health benefits for women 35 and older.
How to quiet your inner critic and be kind to yourself
Enjoy this exclusive excerpt of “Stop Waiting for Perfect” by L’Oreal Thompson Payton.
Combatting transphobia, gender policing, and patriarchal notions of femininity
Fashion is often conflated with femininity, so the way that women (transgender or otherwise) choose to present themselves aesthetically can become more than just a personal choice -- it can become a safety issue and even one of safety.
F#ck Middle Age = one for the ages
You know you’ve got crowd support when an audience member hands you a fan onstage during a hot flash. Which is what happened at F#ck Middle Age, The Midst’s first in-person event on October 19, 2024, in Chicago. The hot flasher,
Caregiving for Mom: What they don’t tell you
Caring for your parents as an adult child can be overwhelming, complicated, and rewarding.
Microdosing the magic mushroom
A couple's journey through love, loss, and the language of connection. Plus, how, why, and where to microdose magic mushrooms.
‘It was time to bring forth my desire to be in a relationship with a woman’
In this excerpt of “Midlife Emergence,” bestselling author, coach, and psychotherapist Jen Berlingo writes about dropping people-pleasing, finding her truth, and her “allergy to stagnation.”