How to be really angry and still be a good person
As good people, our relationship with anger can be troubled. But, when we appreciate and befriend our anger, it brings us our empowerment.
A title called You: Who are you without your job?
Whether you’ve been laid off, nearing retirement, or just ready for a new life chapter, think about what makes you YOU.
The best part of aging? Earning the right to give less f—s
In the first edition of Age Against the Machine, Dixie Laite tells it like it is: “I've been through a lot, I’ve done a lot, and I am not to be fucked with.”
Want career fulfillment? First you must answer this critical question.
Do you know what you want? If not, you're not alone. As a career strategist and recruiter with 30 years of experience, I'm here to help.
‘Two of the gifts of age are wisdom and not giving so many f***s’
Dixie Laite, 58, talks openly about her love of bodybuilding, collecting femorabilia, and managing the seizures that make her “brain broke”.
How to return to college after 40
Olga Rosales Salinas' story of going back to school with students and professors half her age
9 ways to save time and get to the point like an Essentialist
Learn how creative minds like Nora Ephron, Ferran Adrià, and Steven Spielberg's editor apply Essentialism to focus and prioritize.
Essentialism cheat sheet: 45 of the most actionable ways to become an Essentialist
A summarized guide to Essentialism: How to live a truly meaningful, productive life